Monday, September 17, 2007

On the needles now.......

I am knitting this now. Qutie an annoying knit as it is on size 4s and 5s and just knit knit knit, purl purl purl ad nauseum. What is motivating me is I am knitting this in Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light in the most beautiful colbalt blue color. The fabric is knitting up beautifully. Cost under $70 bucks for the yarn too. Finished the back and one front panel, cast on for the other front (regretting I did not do both fronts at the same time. DOH!) Think I made a good decision knitting the 38.....I will get pics as soon as I get farther down the road.



Mary said...

Your cobalt version of this sweater came out so beautifully I'm considering making it myself. I'd have to fudge the size though - Fitted Knits ain't exactly for the big girls. Post pics of it! It's gorgeous!

LA Woman said...

Mary!! Don't do it!!! The neck is all fronky and I am furious with the patter. It is a lot of work and a very very tedious knit to end up with something that doesn't look right. Sort of like an Elizabethan collar instead of the pretty scoopy one.